PoGO® delivers expert business strategy solutions

informed by big data insight

powered by IBM Watson’s cognitive computing.

PoGO® Overcomes Common Business Strategy Pain Points:

  • Limited market information
  • Blind spots
  • Decision biases
  • Competing viewpoints
  • Analysis overwhelming insight

PoGO® recommends the optimal mix of growth strategies, and prioritizes between alternative options, using Case Strategy’s patented diagnostic tool.

PoGO®, powered by IBM’s Watson, elevates the most relevant and useful complete answers to the businessperson’s strategic inquiry, drawing from an un-masterable breadth of information and sources.


PoGO® Data Sources


Publicly Available

PoGO® Sourced


Proprietary to Client

PoGO® Overview

PoGO® delivers the insight and support of a seasoned strategy consultant at the businessperson’s fingertips. It enables you to scale and deploy the trusted relationship with a strategy expert reliably and consistently across your enterprise. PoGO®’s natural language technology mirrors the dialogue and discovery typical of a consultant-client exchange, and democratizes the availability of strategic insight across your leadership. Further – because strategic questions are both richly nuanced, and informed by a broad wealth of business intelligence – Watson’s expandable corpus and cognitive capabilities deepen and strengthen the power of that insight over time.


Fortune 500 companies lost between 2000 and 2010

Brian Solis’ Future of Business


Managers who do not receive useful strategy information from other departments

The Performance Factory


Percentage of Business' who believe their strategic initiatives are managed correctly.

The Performance Factory

Number of Emails Sent Per day (in Billions)


Daily Internet Traffic Data Size (in Millions of DVD's)

Time Magazine

Find out how to make PoGO® work for you

Find out how Case Strategy’s PoGO®, powered by IBM’s Watson and Findability Platform, can enhance your business performance by informing, guiding, and helping to activate your company’s growth strategy.